Monday, 25 October 2010

The making of a video to promote my 'Brightness' remix

Here's a video I (Random Toxy) made to go with my remix of 'Brightness' by Nash Donson.

I'd promised to blog about how I made it so here goes. I'll keep it quick because there's not much to it really. There's a plug-in for After Effects called Trapcode Form and it makes particles in 3D space which can be customised to these cloud-like objects.

These can respond to custom audio input (in this case my carefully crafted masterpiece). Different frequencies can be selected to affect different particle parameters in a various ways. This of course cuts out the need to manually keyframe animation events in time to the audio track which would take forever.

A few camera movements and a bit of colour correction and there you have it – one music video. All made in an afternoon. I'd like to thank my parents, all the guys at Trapcode, Adobe, Apple…

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Random Toxy Remix out - 'Brightness'- Nash Donson

Another of my tracks got released on Beatport today - so I thought I'd celebrate by blogging my ruddy face off.

It's a remix this time. The original is a track called 'Brightness' by a guy who records under the name 'Nash Donson' (he's on Soundcloud - you should check him out).

For the remix I took the feeling of the part that I liked best, processed that part a little, then set about constructing a track around that in my own style. The artist got what I was trying to do and liked it, as did the AR (Riley Warren) at Zero Digital which was awesome. It was quite a new experience for me - having to care that a particular person liked a track.

I hope it sells. Thanks for reading, laters, bye.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Plaid and The Southbank Gamelan Players

I imagine it shows a little in my music that when it comes to personal influences, Plaid have got to be top five. So, you can probably understand how thrilled I was to discover that Plaid (in collaboration with The Southbank Gamelan Players) were going to gig, just a half hour walk from my front door, at The Mac in Birmingham.

The Southbank Gamelan Players opened things with "a loud style welcoming piece" followed by six beautiful songs - the last of which was a cover of Actium by Aphex Twin. Watching the performers was fascinating and hypnotic, but distracting, so for long periods I listened with closed eyes. The vocals and flute parts were a little bit 'new age' (what else should I have expected?) but the coarse sounding two-string fiddle (when it featured) was a perfect counter to the warm tones of the rest of the orchestra. I preferred the quieter, sparser parts - they made me feel like I was sitting in a wood, catching the sounds of distant creatures (I thing the 'new age' vibe was getting to me).

As good as things were going, I admit I was waiting for Plaid to join in and when they did, well that's when the music really took off into the ether. This is the collaboration that Plaid seem to have been working their whole career towards. Both bands fit so well. The music was lush without being too safe (I suspect a technical fault cut short Plaid's involvement in one of my favourite trance-like tracks which was a real shame). Programmed gamelan electronics and the real thing wove together with quiet glitches, airy strings and warm bass. The music was uplifting and enthralling. A big 'thank you' to all involved.

Got to go - I feel inspired…

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

'Artificial Colours' is released today

I'm pleased to announce that a 'Random Toxy' (that's me) track is released today on a compilation called 'Tranquillum'.

It's my first release on someone elses label. So far Zero Records (based in California) seem to be a very professional and friendly bunch so it's going well. I hope for both our sakes that sales go well.

Here's a link:

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Zero Digital sign up 'Artificial Colours'

Yes, I'm pleased to announce that one of my tracks (on soundcloud) has attracted the attention of Zero Digital. They are planning to include it on an ambient compilation album they are releasing through 300 online download sites.

I won't let myself get carried away until it's actually happened but I am hopeful.

It's pretty ironic that the track title has one of the words that is spelt differently in America - 'colours' - and Zero Digital are an American label.

I have no idea how it will sell. It's got to be difficult for unknown artists like myself to get a sale.

I don't know what the release date is yet - i'll blog it when I know.

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