Monday, 25 October 2010

The making of a video to promote my 'Brightness' remix

Here's a video I (Random Toxy) made to go with my remix of 'Brightness' by Nash Donson.

I'd promised to blog about how I made it so here goes. I'll keep it quick because there's not much to it really. There's a plug-in for After Effects called Trapcode Form and it makes particles in 3D space which can be customised to these cloud-like objects.

These can respond to custom audio input (in this case my carefully crafted masterpiece). Different frequencies can be selected to affect different particle parameters in a various ways. This of course cuts out the need to manually keyframe animation events in time to the audio track which would take forever.

A few camera movements and a bit of colour correction and there you have it – one music video. All made in an afternoon. I'd like to thank my parents, all the guys at Trapcode, Adobe, Apple…

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Random Toxy Remix out - 'Brightness'- Nash Donson

Another of my tracks got released on Beatport today - so I thought I'd celebrate by blogging my ruddy face off.

It's a remix this time. The original is a track called 'Brightness' by a guy who records under the name 'Nash Donson' (he's on Soundcloud - you should check him out).

For the remix I took the feeling of the part that I liked best, processed that part a little, then set about constructing a track around that in my own style. The artist got what I was trying to do and liked it, as did the AR (Riley Warren) at Zero Digital which was awesome. It was quite a new experience for me - having to care that a particular person liked a track.

I hope it sells. Thanks for reading, laters, bye.